r e l e a s e s a b o u t t w i t t e r
週末アドベンチャー ep super nintendo 09/18/2020
  1. 勾配グノスティック
  2. 午後の中に一人で
  3. 破壊されたドリームボット
  4. 2009年、人生はもはや同じではありません
  5. ウィンドとシェード
  6. ヨーロッパの天気予報 (feat. CANAL+)
School's out!, It's a sunny day but you're not worried about the weather, but about the game you ordered last month. You check your mailbox and YES, it's finally here!. You run back into the home and upstairs, slam the door behind you and prepare to have a great time on the computer alongside your friends.