r e l e a s e s a b o u t t w i t t e r
how to adapt to computer living plexidotorg 08/06/2021
  1. brief television set viewing
  2. aware2000
  3. nothing here
  4. knowing what it sounds like
  5. sink
  6. mild phase
  7. real life decay experience
  8. back there
"Is technology moving too fast for me?"
"Will I be able to keep up on this ever shifting world?"
"What if I'm left behind?"
Many people have yet to be initiated on new tech and the digitalization of society, as the task of learning new languages and codes appear scary to them. But you should have nothing to fear, as plexidotorg has arrived with "how to adapt to computer living", a revolutionary audioguide all about the new digital world and how to easily become part of it. No studying, no reading, just let the soundwaves hypnotize you and inject the knowledge you require into your neuronal system. Just after one listen you should be able to move around the cyberspace and ther computer realms as if it were second nature. Guaranteed results in the first 48 hours after listening.